*Supported Pokemon's name Translation:English, 한국어, 日本語, 臺灣/中國大陸譯名, 香港譯名, Français, Deutsch, Romanizado, Roma oficial(Touch Gear Wheel Button on the top)*This app is 100% safe for ban.(This app doesn't use PokemonGo server data.)
※Use Guide1. Launch IV Caculator.2. Press Home and Launch PokemonGO(go to Pokemon's stat screen).3. Drag Top Notification bar to bottom and touch IV Cacul Icon.4. Input Trainer Lv, then Gauge Protractor will appear.5. If Protractor Ratio is not match, touch WheelButton->change6. Input Pokemon Lv7. Input Pokemon name, CP, HP
*Pokemon name: Type 1~2 letter of pokemon and touch "Done"(It doesn't matter it's capital letter or lowercase)
*Can't use save function on Virtual Mobile like NOX